This is what my clients have to say
"I feel like a new version of myself"
"I didn’t know what to do, what changes to make to come out of this whirlwind, I’ve become much more educated about what I need to do to make myself feel better. I have proven experience of small things working for me and me feeling happier. I feel like a new version of myself."
Laura V
"I've never felt better"
"My heart scan has shown no further deterioration, and the cardiologist said he hardly ever sees a patient who eats so healthily. Thank you for all your brilliant tips and your support. I have never felt better."
"People notice the difference!"
"People are noticing the difference. Everything is slimming out and I have more energy. I’ve been sleeping better and waking up feeling like I’ve been to sleep! I feel more even in myself, more level, and I’m wearing clothes I’ve not worn for years!"
"This hasn't felt like a diet"
"I’ve barely been snacking, and I’ve not missed it. I now have no bloating and have lots of energy. This hasn’t felt like a diet, I was quite shocked how easy it’s been."

"You've changed my life"
"I don’t even know where to begin. You’ve changed my life! I didn’t think there would be an end to the problems I’ve had in the last 10 years until I met you. I couldn’t have dreamed of the improvements you’ve helped me make this year!"
Laura E
"I have so much more energy!"
"It’s only been two weeks but I’m feeling wonderful. I’m sleeping better, I have so much more energy, like I’m back to the old me. It’s changed everything. I wasn’t even wanting to go out in the evening because I didn’t want to get dressed up. I was ashamed of myself. Now I’m suggesting to friends, let’s meet up for drinks!"
"I haven't felt this good in years"
"I used to get every illness going and I was bingeing on anything “bad”. I had been trying to sort myself out on my own, but it wasn’t working. Now I don’t feel I need the junk any more. I hadn’t expected to enjoy this way of eating. I can’t remember feeling this good in years"
"A new way of life"
"This has become a way of life. I know the things that are better for me and I enjoy eating them. I really have changed my relationship with food. Diets I have been on in the past felt like a punishment but this has really taught me how to see food."

"I have my condifence back"
"The advice and tools that you’ve provided have worked so well for me. I’m excited to continue. With losing weight, my confidence has come back and now I have so much more I can wear”
"I'm delighted with the results"
"Thank you very much for your support and guidance over the last few months, I’m delighted with the results. I’ve learnt a huge amount, having previously believed that a low fat calorie diet was the only way to lose weight. I’ll certainly recommend you to everyone I know"
"Never felt better"
"Physically I know I’ve never felt better. I feel good about life. I’m really confident in what I’m eating and how I’m eating. For someone who grazed all the time, things are so different. I wish everyone could feel the way I do at the moment"
"I'm 16lbs lighter!
"I stood on scales on Christmas Day to find I am 16lbs lighter. I’m also a different shape and people are noticing. My periods are a lot better too, they aren’t as heavy and I’m not in as much pain"
"I can't believe I don't have these cravings"
"I’ve definitely lost the sweet tooth. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t have anything if I was offered by I wouldn’t go looking for it. I’m not feeling the need to snack either. I can’t believe I don’t have these cravings have gone in such a short time."