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Food Fabulous
Notes from midlife

Ailsa Hichens
Apr 26, 20245 min read
How to break through a menopause weight loss plateau
Here's exactly what to do when your weight loss grinds to a halt when you're in perimenopause/ menopause Losing weight can be hard enough...

Ailsa Hichens
Oct 1, 20233 min read
Foods that fix your menopause hormones
When it comes to diet, food is so much more than macronutrients like protein, carbohydrate and fat. And even more than the sum of its...

Ailsa Hichens
Sep 16, 20234 min read
"Do I really need an air fryer?" Yes
Unless you’ve been living under a stone, you will know that air fryers have become a BIG DEAL, now burgeoning in popularity since their...

Ailsa Hichens
Aug 4, 20239 min read
Metabolism boosting foods for menopause & midlife
Some foods have superpowers when you want to lose weight in perimenopause, menopause and beyond From Sirtfoods to phytoestrogens,...

Ailsa Hichens
Jun 3, 20235 min read
Don't make these BIG salad mistakes
As the temperature starts to climb, so does our willingness to eat salad. A good salad can be an amazing addition to your healthy diet if...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 25, 20235 min read
What IS nutritional therapy anyway?
I'm a Registered Nutritional Therapist and it turns out not even my mother really understands what I do all day... Most people get – on a...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 24, 20235 min read
The (surprising) health benefits of coffee
It took me a long time to fall in love with coffee. 46 years, to be precise. But, a handful of years ago, I accepted a wee cup of...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 19, 20234 min read
Is histamine behind your menopause symptoms?
What you eat and your health are a fantastically complicated puzzle. For so many reasons linked to modern living, some foods can disagree...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 1, 20233 min read
Foods that help your menopause hormones
Some foods are well known to help modulate oestrogen - phytoestrogens. Learn why these are matter and where to find them.

Ailsa Hichens
Feb 14, 20233 min read
What to eat to boost your sex drive
Feeling frisky? Or has your sex drive flatlined? Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year when you really feel obliged to be frisky –...

Ailsa Hichens
Jan 7, 20238 min read
What you need to know before going vegan
In case you hadn't noticed, it’s Veganuary, a huge celebration of being vegan. Although I'm not a vegan myself, I've worked with many...

Ailsa Hichens
Nov 11, 20224 min read
"Do I really need an air fryer?" Yes (official nutritionist view)
Unless you’ve been living under a stone, you will know that air fryers have become a BIG DEAL, now burgeoning in popularity since their...

Ailsa Hichens
Oct 20, 20227 min read
20 signs your body needs to detox (and what to do about it)
It’s astonishing how much rubbish gets into your body: through the foods you eat, and the chemicals used to produce them, through...

Ailsa Hichens
Jun 19, 20225 min read
How to have the best summer EVER
Summer is a funny old time - and this one (yet again) is no different. But it is what it is and don't let it be your excuse to let all...

Ailsa Hichens
May 21, 20225 min read
Like keto but better for perimenopausal weight gain
Full-time keto is not always the best solution for women over 40. But here's what you do to get the edge keto promises and find something...

Ailsa Hichens
May 8, 20226 min read
7 reasons it's harder for women to lose weight
Did you ever start some kind of weight loss programme only to find your partner - who was kind of participating because otherwise he...

Ailsa Hichens
May 5, 20224 min read
Will I lose weight on an alkaline diet (and other questions)
You might have read that an alkaline diet is going to be the saviour of your health, or even that specific Hollywood celebrities are...

Ailsa Hichens
Apr 1, 20223 min read
Should I stop eating chocolate?
Chocolate... There's barely been a word loaded with as many emotional triggers for anyone wanting to reach their happy weight. Right...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 27, 20225 min read
Natural Ways To Reduce Pain Over 40
If you regularly suffer from chronic pain - and most women going through perimenopause are one way or the other - you’ll not be a...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 27, 20223 min read
4 reasons you'll want to keep a food journal
I am a huge fan of food diaries when you are trying to eat well. No, scratch that. I am a huge fan of food diaries, period. I believe...
The Midlife Method
The 12-week high level 1:1 programme for menopausal women who want to lose weight, fix their hot flushes and stop feeling knackered and start feeling confident and in control so they live the life they love

See our fab range of food diaries - no calorie counting - just focus on your wellness goals and tracking what you eat.

Do THIS today
I was starting from Day One fixing my menopause, this is the first thing I'd do.

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