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Food Fabulous
Notes from midlife

Ailsa Hichens
Jan 14, 20233 min read
Are you (a little bit) sober curious?
After a long and busy day, it can feel like there is nothing better than a glass of wine, beer or other alcoholic drink to help you...

Ailsa Hichens
Jan 7, 20234 min read
Foods that future-proof your brain
The perimenopause years are often marked by all kinds of unwelcome new symptoms - and one of those is what happens to your memory. While...

Ailsa Hichens
Dec 1, 20225 min read
6 easy steps to beat the perimenopause Christmas bloat
Wondering how to stop getting bloated at Christmas? We all overindulge at this time of year. Learn how to beat the perimenopause bloat this

Ailsa Hichens
Nov 19, 20228 min read
Menopause: why you need to take care of your heart
When you read 'heart problems' you're probably imaging an older man or one with less-than-favourable food and lifestyle habits, right?...

Ailsa Hichens
Nov 8, 20229 min read
Can vitamin C save your winter?
I'm on a mission today that all my people start falling in love with the most famous vitamin of all; vitamin C... I'm going to be telling...

Ailsa Hichens
Oct 20, 20227 min read
20 signs your body needs to detox (and what to do about it)
It’s astonishing how much rubbish gets into your body: through the foods you eat, and the chemicals used to produce them, through...

Ailsa Hichens
Sep 16, 20224 min read
How to survive the (peri)menopause
The peri-menopause can be one of the trickiest times for women to get their head around. One minute you’re 30, full of energy to do all...

Ailsa Hichens
Aug 26, 20224 min read
Diabetes? Me? Surely not
My perimenopause and menopause clients often tell me their weight was creeping up on them over the years and was proving difficult to...

Ailsa Hichens
May 8, 20226 min read
7 reasons it's harder for women to lose weight
Did you ever start some kind of weight loss programme only to find your partner - who was kind of participating because otherwise he...

Ailsa Hichens
Feb 12, 20225 min read
What to eat to beat arthritis
As you get older, one of the things that can start to happen is that you experience aches and pains. If your aches and pains are a...

Ailsa Hichens
Nov 11, 202111 min read
Adrenal fatigue: how to beat burnout
If you are feeling depleted, run down, dog-tired or even jittery and maybe sleep is eluding you altogether, condemning you to a Groundhog...

Ailsa Hichens
Oct 29, 20216 min read
Why it really matters if you have low vitamin D
There’s a lot to like about winter. I LOVE reading by a roaring fire with a little glass of spicy red. I love the first flush of going...

Ailsa Hichens
Oct 8, 20214 min read
5 ways to know you are well enough
A multi-gazillion £$£$£$ world has been created around wellness and wellbeing. We should all be ‘well’ beings. As a nutritionist and...

Ailsa Hichens
Oct 1, 20213 min read
What to eat to lower cholesterol
It's National Cholesterol Month all though October, but you are very welcome if you are reading this at any other time of year. The...

Ailsa Hichens
Aug 20, 20213 min read
How can I help my PCOS?
What do celebrities Daisy Ridley, Victoria Beckham, Jools Oliver and Emma Thompson have in common? They have all publicly shared their...

Ailsa Hichens
Apr 30, 20213 min read
They've been lying to you
One of the hardest things you’ll have to come to terms with when you want to lose weight is that all those things you have been led to...

Ailsa Hichens
Mar 6, 20212 min read
How to manage endometriosis
For many women, the monthly cycle is a minor inconvenience to an otherwise amazing life. For others, their period – and the run-up to it...
The Midlife Method
The 12-week high level 1:1 programme for menopausal women who want to lose weight, fix their hot flushes and stop feeling knackered and start feeling confident and in control so they live the life they love

See our fab range of food diaries - no calorie counting - just focus on your wellness goals and tracking what you eat.

Do THIS today
I was starting from Day One fixing my menopause, this is the first thing I'd do.

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